Tuesday 27 September 2011

The written word can be erased - not so the spoken word

Back in 2008 Conservative leader David Cameron spoke out about political rivalries, family life and his personal ambitions in a book by GQ editor Dylan Jones. Here are a couple of key quotes:
"Asked for his favourite political joke: "Nick Clegg, at the moment."
I am reminded that Oscar Wilde is reported to have said that a man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies..........
"My favourite political quote is by Disraeli: he said the Conservative Party should be the party of change but change that goes along with the customs and manners and traditions and sentiments of the people rather than change according to some grand plan."
The change that goes along with the customs and manners and traditions and sentiments of the people is one that we have, most definitely, not had; conversely the change according to some grand plan is, most definitely, one we have had........

Just saying.............


Anonymous said...

Disraeli was a wise old bird. Cameron on the other hand is a traitor. There you are a one sentence explanation of the discordance between conservative tradition and a Conservative in government!

TomTom said...

Thatcher somewhat deviated from Disraeli's maxim also

WitteringsfromWitney said...

Anon: Err, actually thats two sentences - but whos counting.... :)

TT: So she did, fair point.