Tuesday 5 April 2011

And that is the point, you numpties!

Open Europe blog has a post on the "True Finns", or Perussuomalaiset in Finnish - and one extract is worthy of notice:
"In other words, the party cannot be described as "  far right", as some non-Finnish media n other words, the party cannot be described as "  far right", as some non-Finnish media n other words, the party cannot be described as "  far right", as some non-Finnish media insist on so doing. However, it cannot be described as "  centre-right"   either, as it draws heavily from an old school, social democratic agenda (i.e. high taxes and a big welfare state). Kind of like a social democratic tea party, with a lot of emphasis on national sovereignty and independence."
What is important is the fact that at least the "True Finns" are offering their electorate the right to decide whether they want a high tax, big welfare state coupled with a lot of emphasis on national sovereignty and independence.

Anyone mind if we are given that choice too - one of deciding our own future? Which is not something the Lib/Lab/Con are offering! Needless to say, to have that choice, the British electorate would have to engage brain, open their eyes and actually listen to what they are being told - factors that the Lib/Lab/Con pray every night to Brussels the electorate will not do!

1 comment:

TomTom said...

Britain is run for the Banks. It is an onshore tax haven with a dodgy banking system running a web of offshore deals but carefully leaving liabilities within British tax jurisdiction.

The Banks have cleared the scrub (ie industry), mortgaged the infrastructure (schools, hospitals, roads PFI) and acted like strip-miners devastating the landscape.

The indigenous population in their simple bucolic ways were bought off with a few trinkets imported from overseas and only got restless once the glitz worse off the plastic or the remote control needed new batteries